Wednesday, December 5, 2018

This Path Is A Lonely Path

This path is a lonely path.
So don't be surprised when a time comes when you become a stranger among people you thought were strangers like yourself. The longer you remain on this blessed path, the more the people will see you as someone who baffles them because a person who chases this dunya will always find ambitions for the aakhirah strange. 

This path is a lonely path.
Because the lover of the dunya have nothing to do with it. It is shunned by the most, out of fear of losing the temporary while they don't realise how they are ruining their eternal life. It is not sought after except by those rare, few, blessed ones who seek the Face of Allah Ta'ala more than anything this worthless world has to offer. you will be mocked, misunderstood, considered a foreigner in your own homeland, considered a stranger amongst your own friends and family.

But know, O beloved, that you aren't the only one whoo feel this staggering bite of loneliness, and you certainly aren't the first. This is the path, where Rasulullah (pbuh) was rejected by his own family and tribe, the path where Yusuf álaihissalaam was thrown into prison for a crime he never committed. And the examples are many. 

Know, O beloved, that you have chosen this path knowing all the hardships, and so you must bear them with patience and walk upon this path with a smile on your faces. Because this is the path for which the Sahabah radhiAllahu'anhum gave their lives. This is the path of the few, blessed, chosen servants of Allah. So strive to be from amongst them. 

"The path of truth is solitary. Those who traverse it are lonely; they're not wanted, nor their aspiration. Leisurely do they travel, with resolution. Of what they seek, people are heedless, for, about the truth, most are careless."  -Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali-

This path is paved with torn of limbs, irrigated with blood, surrounded by trials. Its tribulations and fitnah waylay you on this path. But as long as you know your goal, and the way is clear to your sight, pursue your journey whatever the case is.

Source: @ukt_in_islam (Instagram Account)


Just read this writing this morning and I feel like, this was made to cheering me up. Mungkin sebenernya tulisan ini lebih relate buat temen-temen muslim yang tinggal di negeri dengan minoritas penduduk muslim. Tapi entah kenapa pas baca ini aku ngerasa relate bangetttt.

 For someone who has written this beautiful writing wherever you are, thank you for encouraging me to always be istiqomah to take this path..


Dhianti Ayu

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